1 Hotel Hanalei Bay, a world-class hotel, features guestrooms, a wellness center, a spa and fitness center, restaurants and bars with open-air dining, and pools with views to Hanalei Bay, the Na Pali coast, and beyond. PBR HAWAII’s overall design emphasizes Kaua‘i’s cultural heritage and complements the hotel’s mission for well-being through a deep connection to the natural landscape. PBR HAWAII collaborated with architecture firm, Lake|Flato, to provide a guest experience immersed in nature; the 23-acre property blurs the lines between inside and outside to celebrate the verdant and beautiful hillside vista. In keeping with the 1 Hotel luxury brand that promotes wellness and sustainability, PBR HAWAII is transforming the original hotel lobby into a rooftop garden that welcomes guests with a gentle water feature and lush native vegetation. A new garden highlights plants endemic and indigenous to Kauaʻi while thoughtful planting design reveals stories of specific Hawaiian cultural practices such as lei-making, kapa dyeing, and halau thatch-weaving. The project achieved LEED BD+C: Hospitality (v4) certification, with PBR HAWAII restoring over 35 percent of previously disturbed land into natural habitats. Other sustainability strategies include a rain garden, greenroofs with native plants and vegetable beds, a rainwater catchment cistern for irrigation, and a reduction of over 75 percent in irrigation water use through native plants and efficient irrigation design.
Landscape Architecture
LEED BD+C: Hospitality (v4), 2024