PBR HAWAII has provided professional services to most major land owners and developers in Hawaiʻi in addition to the various governmental agencies. Our staff of Landscape Architects, Designers, Planners, and Graphic Designers, is intimately involved with the planning processes and design requirement necessary to implement projects of all scales.
Celebrated the completion of our newly renovated office with a blessing.
Celebrated 50 years of providing professional landscape architectural and community planning services to the State and Pacific Region with a $50,000 endowed scholarship to support students in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning in the UH Mānoa College of Social Sciences and an additional $10,000 to the established scholarship at the School of Architecture for students pursuing a landscape architecture degree.
We were fortunate to have our office blessed and cleansed. Together we will continue to strive.
Commemorated our 40th Anniversary with a $40,000 endowed scholarship for students pursuing a landscape architecture degree at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa School of Architecture.