O‘ahu Community Correctional Center Relocation and Expansion

PBR HAWAII prepared and processed an environmental impact statement (EIS) for the replacement of the O‘ahu Community Correctional Center (OCCC). In addition to the replacement of the OCCC facility, the EIS evaluates environmental impacts associated with outcomes of the preferred alternative including the expansion of the Women’s Community Correctional Center in Kailua and development of a new Department of Agriculture Animal Quarantine Station.

For this project PBR HAWAII’s services include: 1) environmental analysis as required under HRS, Chapter 343; 2) visual analysis for all four OCCC replacement alternative sites; 3) consultation for land-use entitlements; 4) community meetings; and 5) preparation of a Plan Review Use application which is currently being processed.

Project Details

Community Outreach Entitlements & Permitting Environmental Studies

Honolulu, O‘ahu